About us

ARRISONE SYSTEMS CONSULT LIMITED is a fast-growing Management Consulting firm. The firm is richly endowed with very talented and dedicated staff and also engages consultants who have distinguished themselves in their various fields of endeavor; most of our staff / consultants are accredited management trainers by the Nigerian Council for Management Development.

We provide a complete range of workshop/seminars both in-house and outdoor services to a broad range of clients in terms of size and activities. As part of our unique and deliberate policy, we retain high partner involvement in the provision of these services so that all clients can expect a partner-let service.

ARRISONE SYSTEMS CONSULT LIMITED is unique in its organization structure and client-oriented approach. Personal partner attention to client’s operation usually enhances success of our clients' prospects. This in turn symbolizes both the quality of services we render and the attention that we, as a firm devote to staff development. We have established an enviable reputation as a high-quality firm totally committed to its clients. That reputation is built on the thoroughness and integrity of our consultants.

The company is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission, RC No. 975772 and has its head office in Abuja.


To use our team of experienced professionals to assist Organizations, Government Ministries and Parastatals in improving staff performance and achieve excellence by providing unparrallel skills, knowledge and capacity building thereby contributing our quota to the development of our society.


To be a foremost training and capacity building institute within and outside Nigeria with a reputation for repositioning people and organization using the best technology.


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About us

We are the leader of consulting services

Arrisone Systems Consult Ltd. has developed training curriculum to achieve popular industry certifications like MCSE, CCNA and the likes. We have also developed technology-based courses to give people the edge they need in a highly competitive environments.

We have established an enviable reputation

We Provide Strong Management

We are Client-oriented

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Best Business Solutions

Team Building

Effective Administration

Financial Management

Quality makes the
belief for customers

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